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Wall St Gunslinger

Feb 20, 2022

Today I try soemthing new, I take the top 5 things I have found valuable this week and bring them to you. This Week's Top 5 is:

1) The Market Hive Episode with Dan McMurtie 
2) Buisness Brew with Chris Cerrone
3) The Capital Cities Chapter from The Deals of Warren Buffett by Glen Arnold
4) Ichan: The Restless Billionaire
5) Guy Spier Interview on Investing with Tom

I hope you enjoy. 
Peace and Love,




Please be advised, Wall St Gunslinger is not an investment advisor and does not give personal investment advice. All content is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Investing entails a lot of risks and should be managed appropriately. Please do your own research and consult with an investment professional before making any investing decisions. Thank you.